//🇬🇧🇭🇰 Yuwing ran one of the best organic farms in Hong Kong. He had to leave all that behind for a new life in the UK.
The HK BNO visa reflects the UK’s historic and moral commitment to the people of Hong Kong.
So far, 97,000 people have used this route to build a new life here.//
AuLaw Organic Farm UK C.I.C.'s Response:
多謝英國政府給予BNO 持有人嚟到英國過新生活嘅機會。呢幾年香港嘅政局崩壞,相信唔少人同我一樣,希望離開香港可以給予下一代健康嘅教育及成長環境。
身為一個有機農夫,我同時希望可以將種植理念同埋經驗帶俾英國農業,作一點推進,特別係同呢邊嘅同路人共同實踐 #自己食物自己種。
Thanks UK government for giving BNO holders an opportunity to start a new chapter in our life. It’s obvious that the political situation in Hong Kong has worsened in recent years. Many people, like me, do hope that leaving Hong Kong can provide our next generation a better education and growth environment.
As an organic farmer, I hope that offering my skills and experience can help promote #growyourownfood with fellow HongKongers here, which is probably also a way to unite the diasporic community.
Some people may worry that HongKongers who come to the UK will exploit its social resources. Yet, we believe that HongKongers are of high civic values, willing to contribute to and integrate into the society - for example by doing volunteer service.
Let’s continue to pay attention to the political changes in Hong Kong, and give support to the oppressed ones 🙏. I wish you all safe and sound.